Discovery Calls: Diagnostic Selling Secrets from Becc Holland

So…what do you do during a discovery call? What exactly do you need to uncover, in order to accurately diagnose & solve your buyer’s problems?

Join Becc Holland, CEO and Founder of Flip the Script, LIVE to find out the 12 types of “problems” in sales, and the 3 steps to nailing your next DISCO call.

What you’ll learn:

  • The 3 easy steps of what you need to “discover” in your “Discovery Calls”, including:
    • Uncovering the Prospect’s Self-Diagnosis
    • Developing Your Expert Diagnosis
    • Uncovering the “Unknown Problems”
  • Definitions for what you need to find in Discovery Calls
  • The 12 “problems” to uncover in your Discovery Calls

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