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How to Adapt Your SEO to Googleโ€™s Core Web Vitals and Core Update [FREE WEBINAR TODAY]

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Confused about Googleโ€™s core web vitals update? Not sure what it means for your SEO? Join my free live webinar on June 29th at 8 a.m. PST to learn more. Iโ€™ll cover what core web vitals are, why they matter, and what changes you need to make to your website.

Sign up for the core web vitals webinar free here.

When Google updates roll out, there are usually a few people who think that SEO is dead and the sky is falling.

The good news about the core web vitals update (and the core update) is the sky isnโ€™t falling. However, there are a few changes youโ€™ll want to make.

What Are Googleโ€™s Core Web Vitals?

If this is the first youโ€™re hearing about the core web vitals update, hereโ€™s a quick rundown:

In May 2020, Google announced user experience would become part of their ranking criteria. The factors theyโ€™re looking at include:

  • Mobile-friendly:ย Sites should be optimized for mobile browsing.
  • Safe-browsing: Sites should not contain misleading content or malicious software.
  • HTTPS: The page is served inย HTTPS.
  • No intrusives:ย No popups or other features that block the main content.
  • Core Web Vitals:ย Fast load times with elements of interactivity and visual stability.

The goal, according to Google, is to deliver a better user experience, which is crucial to the long-term success of websites.

Thereโ€™s a good chance youโ€™re already doing most of this. However, the core web vitals gets a bit more complicated than just improving page speed. It also looks at things like the largest contentful paint, the first input, and cumulative layout shift.

core web vitals google webinar neil patel

These sound complex, but they arenโ€™t.

These features look at how long it takes for your page to start displaying the most important elements, how quickly your site responds to user interactions, and how often layout shifts impact the user experience.

Essentially, Google wants to reward sites that are easy for users to use โ€” which is nothing new. How Google decides which sites are easier to use has changed slightly, which is why marketers are paying attention.

What Youโ€™ll Learn in the Googleโ€™s Core Web Vitals and Core Update Webinar on June 29th

In this webinar, Iโ€™ll cover what you need to know about Googleโ€™s core web vitals and the core update, including:

  • What core web vitals are and how to prepare your site for the upcoming changes.
  • Why most users leave your website in just seconds, and what to do about it.
  • Methods that SEO agencies will never tell you because theyโ€™d rather sell their own solutions.
  • Three simple tweaks you can make to your site that can boost your sales by 300 percent or more.

Sign Up Now: Core Web Vitals Live Webinar

Iโ€™m really excited to talk about this topic and what it means for the future of SEO. I hope youโ€™ll join me at 8 a.m. PST. Remember, itโ€™s free!