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7 Warning Signs You Have Product Flop on Your Hands (and How to Fix It!)

Ever have a really great idea for a product?

You know, the kind of idea that makes you want to grab strangers by the shoulders and explain the whole thing in a rush. For the next few hours or even days, you find yourself revved up in high gear, eager to turn your big idea into reality.

Itโ€™s an awesome feeling.

Thereโ€™s only one problem: what comes up must go down, and sometimes big ideas do just that โ€“ they flop, hard.

You could shrug it off and say that failure is really a learning experience, but wouldnโ€™t you rather learn how to avoid those product flops so you can save yourself time, money, and heartache?

I know I would.

Here are seven warning signs your big product idea is about to flop โ€” and seven ways to avoid landing with a splat:

1. You Keep Changing Your Mind

Youโ€™re burning through your project and youโ€™re totally jazzed. Everythingโ€™s going great! Itโ€™s such an awesome idea.

But it would be even better if you add this one element.

Wait, no โ€“ maybe you should do this instead. Thatโ€™d be awesome.

Or maybe you should change that โ€“ it would make your project even better! Itโ€™ll crush all of the products in the niche!

Sound familiar?

Business old-schoolers call it โ€œscope change,โ€ and it can seriously hamper your progress. The more you push the boundaries and keep adding to your project, the more it becomes a time-consuming, cost-heavy monster that never ends.

Risks go up, your schedule gets trashed, deadlines get blown and quality goes down.

The solution?

Give yourself a set amount of time to do research and plan the scope of your project before you start. Take a few days, weeks, or months to really think things through. Itโ€™s okay to waffle then because no one else is watching, and you donโ€™t have to backtrack.

But once that time has expired, stop, make the decisions you need to make, and move forward. Look at it as a deadline. You can change your mind up until a certain day on the calendar, and then after that, you stick with the plan until youโ€™re finished.

2. You Havenโ€™t Figured Out the Price

Most people donโ€™t bother to figure out what their business idea will cost them, not only in terms of money, but also time and opportunity costs. They just latch on, run with their idea, and work like mad for weeks, investing their time and money blindly.

Then six months after launch they wonder why theyโ€™re broke, exhausted, and feeling trapped.

Before you undertake a project, figure out what itโ€™ll cost you:

  • Overhead Costs: Will you need office space? Employees? Equipment? Will you have to pay travel expenses? What are the total hard costs?
  • Salary Costs: What will you pay yourself? Even if youโ€™re living on savings, itโ€™s still an expense. Write it down.
  • Opportunity Costs: What opportunities will you have to give up? How much will that cost you in both the short-term and long-term?
  • Time Costs: When are you going to work on it? Also, what are you currently doing in those other hours that youโ€™ll have to cut out? Will you sacrifice sleep? Time with your family? Overtime at work?

Once youโ€™ve calculated the true cost, ask yourself if itโ€™s a price youโ€™re willing to pay. Your idea might be fantastic, but if you donโ€™t know what itโ€™s going to cost you, chances are youโ€™ll never finish.

Before starting a project, make sure you know exactly what it will cost you.

3. You Think All You Need is Time

Youโ€™ve done the math and decided that thereโ€™s no major financial investment involved, just your time. Maybe a few weeks of hard labor, maybe a few months. You just have to buckle down and do it.

But hereโ€™s the big question: whoโ€™s paying the bills in the meantime?

Every hour you spend working on Project X is an hour less you can work on other income sources. If your time is worth $100 an hour, do you really want to invest 1,000 free hours into a project that might make you $5,000?

If you do, youโ€™re essentially investing $100,000 for a $5,000 return. Not smart.

The reality is, you might lose money โ€” and that isnโ€™t always a bad thing. In fact, becoming a multi-millionaire can require losing money, as Iโ€™ve mentioned before.

But if you arenโ€™t considering the cost of your time, you could end up with a flop.

If you want to be successful, figure out your hourly rate, and then delegate or outsource any tasks below that rate. Sometimes, youโ€™ll be better off working for someone else and funneling that income into paying freelancers than quitting all of your projects and cutting off all of your income streams.

Smart business people invest their time wherever theyโ€™re getting the best return.

4. No One Seems to โ€œGetโ€ The Concept

This is one of the biggest red flags that your product is going to flop. Sadly, most people get so excited about their big idea that they donโ€™t see the forest for the trees.

It goes like this:

You excitedly explain your product to a few people, but they donโ€™t seem to get it. You explain even more. They seem unsure. They ask questions. You answer, but they hesitate. So you slow down and try to explain it as simply as possible, but you still canโ€™t seem to get through.

Maybe they arenโ€™t as smart as you. Or maybe they just donโ€™t get it. Maybe they arenโ€™t in your target audience.

But hereโ€™s why it matters: if your customer doesnโ€™t understand the idea, it doesnโ€™t matter how brilliant it is. Itโ€™s going to flop.

So, pay attention to peopleโ€™s reactions. At which point in the explanation do they seem to get confused? What part donโ€™t they understand? Where are you losing them?

These are the places you need to clarify. Thereโ€™s a missing link somewhere, and you need to find it now, not later.

Or maybe you just need to get a new idea.

5. They Get It, but No One Seems Interested

Sometimes, people get your idea, but they shrug their shoulders and say, โ€œSo what?โ€

Maybe they point out that someone else has done it already, or maybe they donโ€™t see the problem youโ€™re addressing, or maybe they think itโ€™s just plain boring.

Theyโ€™re polite and they listen to your idea, but not for long โ€“ their phone or their email is far more interesting.

Watch out for that lack of interest, because no enthusiasm means no sales. You know youโ€™re on track when:

  • They say, โ€œIโ€™ve been dealing with that for years. Can you really fix it?โ€
  • They laugh, cry, or get angry. The stronger the emotional response, the better the idea.
  • Their eyebrows go up, and ask, โ€œIs that really possible? That would be great!โ€
  • They bring your idea up again the next time you see them. It shows theyโ€™ve been thinking about it, which is exactly what you want your prospective customers to do.

If you donโ€™t get one of those responses, find out why. What do people really want? What do they need? Whatโ€™s missing?

You might be able to adapt your big idea to fulfill that demand.

6. You Donโ€™t Really Believe in Yourself

You might really, really want to get your big idea off the ground, and you believe it will succeed, but you secretly wonder whether or not you can pull it off.

Maybe youโ€™re an engineer, and you donโ€™t have any confidence in your ability to sell. Or maybe you are a digital marketer, and you struggle with keeping accurate financial records for investors and bankers. Or maybe youโ€™ve never managed anyone before, and the idea of hiring and leading a staff scares you.

Youโ€™ve tried to stay positive, but deep down, you doubt yourself. You hope you can do it, but when you talk to other people about your idea, you can feel your insecurity bleeding through.

The truth?

If you donโ€™t believe in yourself, no one else will either. People have a sixth sense for uncertainty, and theyโ€™ll pick up on every signal of self-doubt youโ€™re sending out. It can kill even the best ideas.

No one expects you to be perfect, but getting any idea off the ground requires leadership, and people expect leaders to be confident. So work on it.

The best way to build self-confidence is to start small and get some early wins.

If you are worried about sales, start generating leads you are certain will convert into sales, and approach those first. If youโ€™re worried about financials, get example reports, and then start with the ones you understand. If youโ€™re worried about managing people, start by hiring smart, ambitious people who donโ€™t need much handholding.

Make it easy for yourself, and grow into the person you need to become.

7. You Canโ€™t Seem To Find the Time for Your Idea

This is probably the most common sign of an impending product flop: you know your project will be a success โ€” yet you canโ€™t seem to find the time to work on it.

You keep pushing your idea aside. Other work comes up. Something else is more urgent. Youโ€™re busy. You push back your own deadlines and keep setting your big idea on the back burner.

Itโ€™s probably because youโ€™re scared.

Maybe youโ€™re afraid your big idea wonโ€™t succeed (even if youโ€™re pretty sure it will). Or that it actually might succeed, and you wonโ€™t know how to handle it. Or that youโ€™ll make mistakes and get laughed at, losing the respect of the people you admire.

Whatever the reason, if you find yourself procrastinating, sit down for a little introspection session. Think about why youโ€™re not working on that big idea. Ask yourself:

  • What life changes you think would happen if you complete it?
  • What do those changes mean to you?
  • Why do you want to avoid them?
  • Are they realistic concerns?
  • What is the worst-case scenario?

Be honest with yourself. Often, reality is far different (and easier!) from what we imagine.

Maybe after some introspection, you realize the big idea isnโ€™t going to be good for you. Sometimes our gut instinct sends warning messages that we should pay attention to โ€“ just because a project will be successful doesnโ€™t mean itโ€™s the right success for us.

And if thatโ€™s the case, then there are plenty of other โ€“ better โ€“ ideas for you to pursue. If thereโ€™s one thing Iโ€™m sure of, itโ€™s this:

The next big idea is always right around the corner.


Not all great ideas are destined to be big hits. However, many of the largest companies in the world started as just one good idea. Review the warning signs above and make sure you are in the best possible position to move forward.

Then, itโ€™s time to start digging in. Start by getting to know who your audience really is and do some market research. Create a business plan and donโ€™t forget to consider outsourcing tasks that you donโ€™t have the time โ€” or the knowledge โ€” to tackle.

And if you do flop? Take some time to recover, then try again.

Are you working on your next big idea? What is holding you back?

The post 7 Warning Signs You Have Product Flop on Your Hands (and How to Fix It!) appeared first on Neil Patel.